Saturday, April 21, 2012

Is He Calling You?

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  James 1:27

Recently, God has called our family to specifically "look after orphans" by bringing some of them into our family.  This is only one way we believers can honor His Word regarding orphans (and widows, and the needy, and the unbeliever...).  Over the years our family has participated in this instruction from the Bible in various ways.

The Creator's beauty and creativity can be seen in the way He works through His people to care for those in need of His love.

Much like a call to the mission field, God has called us to adopt.  Much like missionaries called to the field, we cannot do this alone.

Has God placed this type of ministry on your heart?  Are you unsure of how to jump in and be a part of His movement in the area of orphan care?  

As we answer His call for our family, we need help.  Sadly, many kinds of adoptions are staggeringly expensive.  The astronomical price of adopting from Ethiopia has been the biggest hurdle I'm working on overcoming.  Our adoption(s) will cost roughly $30,000.

We believe God doesn't ask us to do the impossible...alone.  The mission we are on looks impossible for us and we are so excited to see how the Lord is going to enable us to do this.

Can we be so bold as to ask you to consider helping Him use our family?  We are seeking people who can participate in one (or more!) of three areas:

1.  Much prayer is needed.  Will you pray for our project?  My heart quickens as I push away fear of the finances required.

2.  Much creativity is needed.  Do you have any ideas on ways we can pull these funds together?

3.  Much funding is needed.  Are you in a position to financially support our project?

Asking for any kind of help is never easy; no one likes to do it!  I believe God is working on building faith in us and humbling us through this journey.

If after prayerful consideration you find yourself answering "yes!" to any of the above, please send us an email letting us know!

We are excited as we anticipate sharing the amazing things God does in this next stage of our lives.

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