Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Anna Elise

 Anna is 9 and is becoming a very busy young lady.  She has found a bosom friend in the last year and they have been making many memories and having a blast together.  Kailee and Anna are quite alike some ways and are drastically different in others.  I pray that their precious friendship lasts for a lifetime!
Kailee and Anna dressed up to attend a concert that Kayla, Anna's violin teacher, performed in at Christmastime.

Anna is LOVING and excelling in violin.  She has the best teacher ever, and just before Christmas she had her "graduation" as she finished Suzuki Book 1 and moved on to Book 2.  Kayla had a fun lesson planned for her, which included Anna teaching each family member (and some friends!) how to play a measure of any song of her choice.  Wow, was that entertaining!  Kayla presented her with a certificate and some lovely violin-related gifts.

Kailee and Anna have begun a girls' Bible study.  They meet twice/month and currently there are about 6 girls in attendance.  Kailee's mom and I oversee it, but the girls do ALL of the planning themselves.  They completely lead the study together and include an activity and a snack, along with the study straight from the Bible, in the two hour meeting.

They decided on calling it, "You With Jesus".

Here they are at our first planning meeting at Kaladi's coffee shop.

1 comment:

Rissi said...

Aw! You are such a sweetie, Anna. Never lose that genuine heart. :)

And this is for you and your brothers: Please, stop growing!

Love you,
Uncle Mike, Aunt Linda and Marissa
